If you are interested in buying any paintings please contact Ashley, ashley@nunan-cartwright.com for payment and delivery details. If you prefer, you can pay a 10% deposit on this site to hold the painting by clicking the links below and you will be contacted shortly after the payment has been received. Prices include VAT and transportation, excluding your local taxes.
‘The Sea’ 162 x 260cm, diptych, oil on linen, €28,000
‘Green Island’ 162 x 130cm, oil on linen, €15,000
‘The Island’ 162 x 130cm, oil on linen, €15,000
‘The River’ 162 x 130cm, oil on linen, €15,000
‘Passage des Croisettes’ 162 x 130cm, oil on linen, €15,000
‘The Cliff’ 162 x 130cm, oil on linen, €15,000
‘Cap de l’Aigle’ 162 x 130cm, oil on linen, €15,000