We hope this letter finds you and your loved ones well and looking forward to a fun festive season. We thought you may enjoy some of our latest news.
It has been an extraordinary time over the last two years, the confinement created so much more time for us to be working in our studios. It opened new pathways of creativity and it made us reflect more deeply on our place in the world and the universe. We realised we needed to make a catalogue of the sculptures created during this time which we have included below, we hope you enjoy it.
Please click on the image to view the new sculpture catalogue.
We are very happy to be once again working towards our exhibition of sculpture on the walls of the Citadelle Museum in St Tropez. Postponing our exhibition to June-October, 2022, has been fortuitous giving us the opportunity to partner with Karolina Blasiak, leading Art Advisor of Monaco, and Alex Prior from High Performance Art gallery, London. It was also fantastic to see the Keith Haring Foundation take up our cancelled exhibition space this year with an incredible show of massive Keith Haring sculptures on the walls of the museum.
After all the covid restrictions, our beautiful art dealer and dear friend from Hong Kong, Sandra Walters, was laid to rest at the Père- Lachaise Cemetery in Paris. We created a befitting plaque for her niche, to commemorate her great achievements in Hong Kong and France. We had an artigiano in Pietrasanta, renowned for his exquisitely refined minute carving and lettering, to especially remake her medals of honour from the French government in statuario marble with Shona’s Guardian Sculptures by their side and Michael’s rendition of the Chinese sea at the base to remember Hong Kong. She always said that she had the head of an American and the heart of France.
In October we had four large bronze sculptures returned to us from the Bei Wu Sculpture Park, north of Berlin, Germany, after a five year lease period. The sculptures were in perfect condition as the park is in the middle of a pristine northern european forest with very little pollution to affect the surface. The works are once again available for collecting.
During our Provencal summer we exhibited our large sculptures throughout the gardens of Chateau Margui, a George Lucas and Skywalker winery near our studios in Correns.
Please click on the image to view the Margüi catalogue.
We are very happy to be going to Australia in the new year to see family and friends, but in particular our only grandchild, Loïc, who some months ago turned one year old and who we have yet to hold in our arms.
Wishing much Joy and Happiness in the coming year,
Shona and Michael-Francis
Monaco karolinablasiak@hotmail.com
London alex@highperformanceart.co.uk
Taipei danielle@kuansliving.com