Two Warriors
Shona Nunan
edition 1 of 8
200 x 79 x 23 cm
Nunan’s latest series of Guardians have become warriors, perhaps for a time of greater vigilance. These warrior figures are the closest image to an early memory of travelling in the outback of Australia with her artist father and coming across caves that were guarded by three spirit guardians with their arms crossed and hands outstretched warding off intruders. The image has stayed with Nunan and the influence of the crossed arms have come up many times in the work, like a strong warning to respect the space. The cross appears now in the shield. These particular Guardians have a strongly defined influence of the sword in the torso of the male figure and the female figure with the shield has a spear like influence. Nunan is captivated by the sparseness of sword and shield and finds their almost 2 dimensional elongated forms part of her story of looking for the powerful essence in all things.