Dear Friends,
We hope you are all well and have kept safe during these challenging times.
Our exhibition on the walls of the Saint-Tropez Citadel Museum for 2021 has been postponed. The continuing Covid restrictions have jeopardised the timing of our plans to retrieve sculptures in Germany and Italy, as well as the likelihood of the museum being closed intermittently during the exhibition period. We trust 2022 will be a new and exciting year where we can all return to normal and to Saint-Tropez! We look forward to seeing you there.
For your interest we have included photographs of some of the works ready to be returned from the sculpture park, Bei Wu, in Mecklenberg, Germany, they will soon be with us again in our studios in Correns. If you have any interest in these works please let us know and we are happy to answer any questions.
Heartfelt wishes for greater world health in the coming year.
Shona and Michael-Francis
The Horse and Rider is a significant evolving theme in Nunan’s work. With early influences from old Swedish horse carvings, Chinese ceramics and the Italian artist Marino Marini, she has created her horse and riders to represent the journey through life. Each plateau in her life has brought forth a new Horse and Rider. Nunan symbolically regards the Horse and Rider as a union of spirit and ego.
Reflecting the passage through life, Arrival’ emerged after a time of great endurance and with this sculpture Nunan often refers to the sense that she had climbed to the top of a mountain. The feeling of arrival gave a great sense of calm and tranquility with an overview of the past and the view ahead splendid, the possibilities endless.
Cartwright’s Boats teetering on the edge, between the shallow and the abyss, the calm and the rough to the tough and the tender, the balance of life, is an important theme in his art.
The Monks’ journeys over the seas, searching for a place to retreat and contemplate during the tumultuous Dark Ages of Europe, brought them to the Skelligs in Southern Ireland. They built dome houses on the ragged rocky islands and fished and ate mutton birds, and transcribed the great books they gathered from other lands. Cartwright spent four months on the southern edge of Ireland overlooking the wild Atlantic, studying the stories and history of the area, inspiring him to create a series on the ancient Monks and Vikings.